Integration Types

PubWise supports two primary styles of integration. Global Load and Lazy Load. Your account manager or your script team can work with you to determine which is in your script.

For more documentation on the in body ad tag code see the API Documentation.

Global Load

This sample shows how adunits are loaded when the integration type is set to Global Load.

Global Load means that all Header Bidding auctions are run immediately when the page loads and that all adunits on the page are loadeded immediately when that auction completes. This is the most basic form of integration.

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Lazy Load

PubWise supports two primary styles of integration. Global Load and Lazy Load. This sample shows how adunits are loaded when the integration type is set to Lazy Load. Your account manager or your script team will tell you if this is the integration type used.

Lazy Load means that page triggers initiate bidding and loading of the ad. In the most basic form the code uses the intersection observer config to determine what to load.

Lazy Load style integration relies heavily on the pwRegisterLazyLoad function.

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Fully Dynamic

In addition to the two primary styles of integration fully dynamic ad units are possible. This setup supports Single Page Applications (SPAs), React, Vue, etc.

Note, due to certain limitations with Codepen and JSFiddle, this example is only functional on the CodePen debug view.

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