pwRegisterLazyLoad Documentation

Lazy load adunits are called with the pwRegisterLazyLoad function.

pwRegisterLazyLoad(gptadslots['sample-adunit'],1, [10,0,10,0], 0, 800, 2);

The function has 6 parameters.

function pwRegisterLazyLoad(slot, loadType, rootMargin, threshold, mobileBreakpoint, mobileMultiple)
Field Required
slot Yes
loadType Yes
rootMargin No
threshold No
mobileBreakpoint No
mobileMultiple No
  • slot: The GAM Slot, which must be indexed by the DIV id in a page level array called gptadslots. i.e.
    var gptadslots = gptadslots || [];
    gptadslots['divid'] = googletag.defineSlot(....
  • loadType: 2 = viewable load with refresh, 1 = immediate load with refresh, 0 = immediate load
    • Immediate load types are expected to be hooked into page level functionality for when to load
    • Typical flow similar to:
      if (customerLogicForAdLoad()) {
      pwRegisterLazyLoad([slot], 0);  
  • rootMargin: An array based on the Intersection Observer root margin [10,0,10,0] 10 top, 0 right, 10 bottom, 0 left
  • threshold: A number between 0.0 and 1.0 specifying a ratio of intersection area. Default is 0.0. The intersection observer documentation has more info.
  • mobileBreakpoint: The page width at which to switch to mobile mode. This mode only effects the threshold multiple.
  • mobileMultiple: integer that indicates the amount to multiply the threshold value by when the browser width is below the mobileBreakpoint value